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Relationship between service life of automobile connectors and plating metal

In order to extend the service life of automotive connectors, automotive connector manufacturers will apply metal on the surface of the connector to resist oxidation and wear to prolong service life. Does the gold quality of the automotive connector affect the life of the connector?

The service life of the automotive connector is related to the nature of the plating metal, and the connector has problems during the gold plating process, which may cause chromatic aberration in later use.

1. Gold-plated raw materials have impurities, which may cause color difference in the plating metal of the terminal of the automotive connector. 
When making the plating material of the terminal of the automobile connector, the impurity exceeds the tolerance of the gold plating liquid, which affects the color and brightness of the gold layer. Organic impurities can cause darkening and fading of the metal layer; metal impurities can cause the coating to become red or even black.

2. The gold plating current density is too large, which will also affect the color difference of the automotive connector terminals.
When calculating the total area of ​​the plated parts, if the error is calculated incorrectly, which is larger than the actual surface area, the amount of gold plating current will be abnormal, and the metal layer will be red.

3. Gold plating aging will also affect the gold plating result of the automotive connector terminals.
The gold plating solution is used for a long time, and it is easy to cause excessive accumulation of impurities in the plating solution, which may cause the color of the gold layer to be abnormal.

In addition, the mutual insertion and removal of gold plating can easily lead to the plating effect of the automotive connector terminals, thereby affecting the service life of the automotive connector.