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How to improve the high temperature resistance of connectors through structural design?

The specifications of the connector usually indicate the operating temperature. This operating temperature specifies the normal working temperature range of the connector, which is usually determined by the target use environment of the connector. With the expansion of electronic equipment functions, the requirements for connectors are getting higher and higher, so high temperature resistance has become a top priority.

Did you find out? In addition to the heat source and material that determine the temperature of the connector, the structure of the connector can also affect the temperature by affecting the heat accumulation and dissipation. For connectors that transmit power, Joule heat caused by current is the main form of heat generation. There are three forms of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. For connectors with heat dissipation requirements, the heat dissipation structure can be designed according to these three heat transfer forms. For example, reserve metal parts to transfer heat out, help dissipate heat, design heat dissipation fins to reach the place where the fan or natural wind energy can reach, and use a metal shell with better heat dissipation performance.

Proper heat dissipation design is an important way to increase the safety and service life of the connector. TXGA supports one-stop customization services. You only need to provide the final application conditions, and you can customize research and development according to your needs to meet various complex application conditions. Professional engineering techniques and simulation software effectively avoid design errors, ensure product functions meet specifications, shorten development time, and reduce development costs. Enter [Product Center] to learn more.